
Puerto Hoppner – ours for a day – Laura

The last few days we have had cloudy weather and some rain – typical weather here…. but today, when we were inside Puerto Hoppner, we were given blue skies. Puerto Hoppner is a magical place. It has a bit of all the beautiful places I know – rounded granite and a waterfall that remind me of Yosemite, U-shaped valleys and greenery that remind me of the Milford Sound and the New Zealand Fjords, and peat bogs and wet landscape that remind me of Alaskan tundra. Its all here in one place and we got to enjoy it under a day of sun.

Martin, our Guest Scientist, who has traveled extensively to remote and beautiful places said today – “This place (Puerto Hoppner) is on my short list of favorite places in the world.” It also got described as magical. The inner harbor feels like a secret place that we get to ourselves for a day. its ours. We get to enjoy its majesty. We get to see the full cycle of a day – the sun rise, the sun highlighting the water fall that is in the west with the sun in the east. The sun then traveling up the old glacial valley and then the sun setting. Martin took advantage of the night to go night collecting for spiders. What a place.

And tomorrow we move on… to other amazing places here on the Island, but for today, Puerto Hoppner was ours.

– Laura

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